Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Joe in the Garden of Eating

Personal image, machine stitched
39.5" W x 32" H.
May 2017
My horse High Hand Joe, my first good show horse, he was an appaloosa. I took him to Clark Bradley's adult horse camp for a 3 day weekend, there were 56 quarter horses, 2 paints and Joe, the lone appaloosa. Funny enough he had some great quarter horse blood in him. He liked to pretend he was a saddlebred from time to time and do some fancy gaits, only at a show though. He was used to winning and would try to get out the gate of the show ring first. Unfortunately until I got to be a better rider we didn't win, much to his disgust.

There is a ton of stitching in different colored thread on this quilt.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Mary Ann -- Joe is wonderful! I love all the quilting and the different colors you used. Quite an apt tribute to a wonderful horse!
